15 Minute Dumbbell Workout. Lose weight FAST from home.

15 Minute Dumbbell Workout. Lose weight FAST from home.

Full body HiiT workout with Jaclyn Phillips that only requires dumbbells. Complete with time cues and rep counters just throw on your tunes and go!!

Workout: Dumbbell Full body

Circuit A (perform 2 rounds, 60 sec rest between rounds)
10 DB Hip Lifts
10 Single-leg hip lifts (per side)
10 DB Floor Chest press
10 DB Renegade Rows
30 sec Plank

Circuit B (perform 2 rounds, 60 sec rest between rounds)
20 Alternating Forward Lunges
10 Jump Lunges
10 DB Curl to press
10 Knee Tuck Crunches
20 sec Boat pose
5 Negative Push-ups (5 sec lower)

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