How to Lose Weight Fast (Is It Really Possible?)

How to Lose Weight Fast (Is It Really Possible?)

When your body is primed for fat loss, the weight does come off. The trick is make that happen. More:

A number of factors play in to how quickly you lose weight: among them, the amount of weight you have to lose, your sleep habits, your stress level, and your general health.

While you can lose weight fast – at least initially – on restrictive diets, they actually are counterproductive.

Why? Because they aren’t sustainable long-term and they can even hurt your fat-loss efforts.

What works to help you lose weight fast:
• Calorie cycling.
• Eating whole, clean, unprocessed foods.
• Choosing organic, chemical- and pesticide-free foods.
• Intermittent fasting, when you occasionally give your body a moderate break from eating.
• High-intensity exercise.

When you can combine all of those factors into a program that fits your lifestyle and allows recovery time between workouts, you’ll find that your body feels better – and it more quickly releases the fat.

Looking for more fat-loss tips? Check out these other videos on shortcutting the fat loss process:

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