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Thoughts about su ruoxing but she did not get happiness in the end would the ending have been different if he had been braver ruoxing don t worry I will arrange a female doctor to help you do a simple test and I will tell.

Professor qiao to participate in the case the prerequisite is that you get divorced first or we ask a psychological counselor to help you resolve your psychological shadow and then examine your injuries su ruoxing pretended.

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Chewed it hard but the water light overflowed uncontrollably right now qiao zhanchen should be having a candlelight dinner with qiao chixuan right he who promised qiao chixuan would never go back on his word not to.

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Time that I have asked the other party not to get married after divorce most people would not agree look let s revise it ask qiao zhanchen himself maybe he will agree su ruoxing was also curious whether qiao zhanchen would.

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Professor qiao to ask for his opinion the lawyer had no choice but to call qiao zhanchen the phone connects even from a distance su ruoxing could hear the elegant violin background music coming from the lawyer s cell phone it.

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Use of being pretty if he can t be humane joe thinking of this chixuan wiped away her tears and said softly brother zhan chen I understand with that there was a pop her herm s bag accidentally dropped to the floor oh.

She never be willing to let all your previous efforts go to waste qiao chixuan quickly shook a packet of medicinal powder into qiao zhanchen s wine glass qiao zhanchen picked up the bag and helped her put it away then he.

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Warmth and coldness of human feelings this downfall made him fully see the ugliest human nature he raised his wrist to look at his watch it was already three o clock in the morning he had to rush to the detention center early.

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has a guilty conscience so what can she feel better look at his dark circles he had a date with qiao chixuan last night have you been playing music all night but who would have thought.

Those who owe money su ruoxing s heart tightened this was not the result she wanted then you help me take good care of the child and return all the money to you at least you will still be the richest man worth hundreds of.

Billions then you will still like me qiao zhanchen said reaching out to touch the woman s face pang su ruoxing evaded him reflexively I m dirty now and I don t have the right to like any man in fact she despises qiao.

Lied to him in her opinion this was just a white lie qiao zhan chen s outstretched hand was stagnant in the air and his breath suddenly became colder su ruoxing there is no monitoring and no outsiders here and you still.

Were bruised it looked like violated what is like obviously it is su ruoxing was so guilty that his eyes flickered for a while and he stepped back unconsciously su ruoxing but you are a hundred secrets it rained the day.

Before yesterday so the ground in the grove was very wet but the skin on your body was not stained with any damp mud su ruoxing s breathing tightened is there any the situation was chaotic and I didn t pay that much.

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Purpose just to hope that you would protect him su ruoxing had finished talking but the man in front of him still indifferent and indifferent it seemed that what she was protecting was not his son qiao zhanchen didn t.

A prison sentence this is a violation of the law this cannot be solved with hims ed pills dosage money have you thought about your future in this case can you still be a doctor or a professor su ruoxing she was too flustered at the time she.