Phil Mickelson Deepfake Scam for NutraTrim Labs Keto + ACV Gummies (Plus Fake Reviews)
As a result, erythritol may be an unsuccessful sugar substitute for appetite suppression. The three minerals that help reduce stress are potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B1. Even unsweetened ketchup contains natural sugars from all those tasty tomatoes.
Don't fall for the NutraTrim Labs Keto + ACV Gummies scam and fake reviews that claim Phil Mickelson and others all endorsed the product for weight loss. It's all a scam. Don't believe any of it. Phil Mickelson is appearing in a deepfake video on Facebook and Instagram because Meta is terrible at controlling the content on their own platform. You aren't going to lose weight with keto gummies. This product called NutraTrim Labs Keto + ACV Gummies has absolutely nothing to do with any other similarly named products. So if anything else out there is called NutraTrim or Trim Nutra or Nutra Trim, it has nothing to do with this scam. Do not call similarly-named companies to ask for help.
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