
Most fruit also contains too many carbs so avoid apples, pears, bananas, grapes and fruit juices. She lost 10 pounds in the first month, which gave her the motivation to clean up her diet. One thing should be noted that carbohydrates being easier to break down is used first and when there is a deficit in glucose stores the body starts utilizing its fat stores.


If you're up for another workout challenge, here is another one that will help you see results slowly but surely. This workout is a 6-week challenge that will make you burn as much as 9kg!! This intensive workout can be done at home, or anywhere, as often and as much as your body permits! Good luck & let's begin the challenge together!❤️💪 **If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday! TIMECODES: 00:00 Introduction 00:13 Side Lunge Windmill 00:35 Rest 00:52 Floor Taps 01:27 Rest 01:44 Fly Squat 02:25 Rest 02:42 Knee Raises 03:04 Rest 03:21 Lateral Taps 03:49 Rest 04:06 Lateral Steps 04:40 Rest 05:02 Oblique Crunches 05:37 Rest 05:54 Oblique Twist Squat 06:47 Rest 07:04 Leg Pulls 07:49 Rest 08:06 Lunges 09:05 Rest 09:22 Overhead Reach 09:52 Rest 10:09 Pike Push Ups 10:54 Rest 11:16 Side Lunge Windmill 11:49 Rest 12:06 Floor Taps 12:41 Rest 12:58 Fly Squat 13:39 Rest 13:56 Knee Raises 14:18 Rest 14:35 Lateral Taps 15:03 Rest 15:20 Lateral Steps 15:54 Rest 16:16 Oblique Crunches 16:51 Rest 17:08 Oblique Twist Squat 18:01 Rest 18:18 Leg Pulls 19:03 Rest 19:20 Lunges 20:21 Rest 20:38 Overhead Reach 21:07 Rest 21:24 Pike Push Ups 22:10 Rest 22:32 Side Crunches Left 23:14 Rest 23:31 Side Crunches Right 24:14 Rest 24:31 Side Plank Pulse Left 25:08 Rest 25:25 Side Plank Pulse Right 26:02 Rest 26:19 Slow Jumping Jacks 26:41 Rest 26:58 Snow Angels 27:28 Rest 27:45 Squat And Kick 28:19 Rest 28:36 T Push Ups 29:32 Rest 29:55 Side Crunches Left 30:25 Rest 30:42 Side Crunches Right 31:12 Rest 31:29 Side Plank Pulse Left 31:56 Rest 32:13 Side Plank Pulse Right 32:40 Rest 32:57 Slow Jumping Jacks 33:19 Rest 33:36 Snow Angels 34:06 Rest 34:23 Squat And Kick 34:57 Rest 35:14 T Push Ups

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