CBD Oil for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Doctor Explains About Medical Cannabis.


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CBD Oil for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Doctor Explains About Medical Cannabis.

Trigeminal pain gets releif with CBD oil. Pain on one side of the face is a common symptom. Dr. Jagmeet Sethi, MD discusses how this condition is best managed with medical cannabis. Youtube Channel: @sethicannabisclinic Dr. Jagmeet Sethi is a medical doctor and internal medicine specialist. She has provided medical cannabis treatment for the past 5 years at Sethi Cannabis Clinic in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. She has seen over 15,000 patients in the last 5 years. Hosted by Dr. Jagmeet Sethi MD Sethi Cannabis Clinic Website: Https://sclinic.ca #trigeminalneuralgia #cbdoilfortrigeminalneuralgia #neuropathicpain #cbdoils #cannabisdoctor #medicalcannabispatient #drjagmeetsethi #sethicannabisclinic #chronicpain Medical Cannabis videos by Dr. Jagmeet Sethi are educational videos/podcasts. These videos/podcasts are for general information purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose and treat medical conditions and do not substitute care provided by your doctor or other health care professionals. These videos/podcasts by Dr. Jagmeet Sethi are not meant for a doctor-patient relationship. No doctor-patient relationship is formed. Please see your doctor for any medical conditions. Using this information and links from these videos is at the users' own risk. Cannabis use is recommended in people aged 25 years or older. If this is a medical emergency, please seek your doctor or nearest emergency room or call emergency services at 911.

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